2012年3月3日 星期六

Slash - 2010 英國草地 音樂節現場

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商品名稱: Slash - 2010 英國草地 音樂節現場

商品分類: 演唱會.MTV.卡拉OK

語系版本: 英語發音 繁體中文 演唱會完整版

運行平台: Windows 7/XP/Vista/DVD 播放機

更新日期: 2010-08-20


片名:(此片售價150元) Slash - 2010英國草地音樂節現場 英語發音 繁體中文

2010.08.25 全新〞光榮 〞上市 XYZCD Studio(31.to/xyz,76.to/xyz)


As the lead guitarist for Guns N' Roses, Slash established himself as one of
hard rock's finest and most soulful soloists during the late '80s, technically
adept yet always firmly grounded in the gritty Aerosmith and Stones licks he
loved. Slash was born Saul Hudson on July 23, 1965, in Stoke-on-Trent, England,
to artistic parents both involved in the entertainment industry; his mother was
a clothing designer who worked on David Bowie's film The Man Who Fell to Earth,
and his father designed album art for such artists as Neil Young and Joni
Mitchell. The family eventually moved to Hollywood, where Hudson attended junior
high, received his first guitar, and met future GNR drummer Steven Adler. With
Hudson adopting the nickname Slash, given to him by a family friend, the two
formed a band called Road Crew; although it proved unsuccessful, it was the
vehicle through which they met and eventually joined up with the other members
of Guns N' Roses.


01. Ghost

02. Back From Cali

03. Night Train

04. Rocket Queen

05. By The Sword

06. Sweet Child O' Mine

07. Paradise City

08. Interview

