商品名稱: ElectraSoft FaxMail for Windows v11.07.01
商品分類: 廣告信.傳真.電話.郵件工具
商品類型: 傳真軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-08-03
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傳真軟體,FaxMail 將自己與 Windows 系統緊密結合在一起,你可以從任何擁有列印功能的
Windows 程式中將文件傳真出去。它為系統安裝的所有應用程式提供了一個 Faxbar,使用這
個 Faxbar 你可以非常輕鬆地在後台發送/接收傳真,並可以創建定制的封面、定制傳真面的大
小、瀏覽傳真、控制 Modem 的聲音、自動定時發送傳真、將傳真轉換為 PCX 格式等。除了不
Send and receive fax from your computer using your fax modem. Send and
forward fax using modem, Internet, email.
FaxMail is easy to use. In fact, it is the simplest fax program we
offer, yet has many advanced features. Send and receive faxes,
forward faxes via email in TIFF or PDF format or fax, send faxes via
the Internet, fax queuing, and many more features.
Testimonial from a satisfied customer:
I work away from the office a lot. I can access email but not fax. I
have orders which are faxed to me. ElectraSoft's fax software
forwards these faxes to my email account where I can access them as
PDF or TIF files. PDF is Portable Document Format (PDF) and can be
read with Adobe Reader and many other Windows software applications.
TIF is Tagged Image File Format (TIFF or TIF) and can be read with
most Windows software applications.
