商品名稱: AdnX Projector v2.4.3 MacOSX
商品分類: 麥金塔專用軟體
商品類型: 項目管理軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: 蘋果電腦 Mac OS X
更新日期: 2011-10-21
Projector is designed to keep track of tasks and calculate a
project's cost. Projector provides all the tools
you need for professional project management. Whether your job
calls for managing large construction projects,
complex media activities or detailed time schedules, Projector is
the tool you need. It is easy to use and will help
you organize, administer and monitor your tasks allowing you more
time to manage your projects and less time
to learn how to use project management software.
You will be successfully managing even the most complex projects
in a fraction of the time it would take you with
other similar products. Just compare our software to that of any
of our competitors and you will experience
the difference! Projector delivers beautiful graphics that are
sure to impress customers and colleagues.
Scheduling and managing projects are not only important in the
corporate business world. They're essential for
successfully achieving anyone's project goals. Projector is an
easy-to-learn, cost-effective tool that simplifies
project scheduling. It is perfect for those with either a great
deal of or almost no experience in project management.
