商品名稱: Creative Dimension 3DSOM Pro v3.2
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 照片3D建模軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-11-28
一款在高質量的照片3D建模軟體3DSOM Pro。它可以通過一個真實物體的照片來進行3D建模。
的發佈為專業建模人士傳統費時間的人工建模工作上有了一個更好的選擇。3DSOM Pro主要的一
VRML 和Shockwave3D。
3DSOM Pro is a powerful tool for creating professional quality 3D content
from still images. A wide range of objects can be modelled including those
with holes and 'difficult' organic shapes.
Using a conventional camera, photos of your object are taken on a printed
mat (where practical) and from a number of viewpoints in front of a plain
backdrop. The shape of the object is automatically extracted from each
photo and this information is used to build a high quality 3D mesh.
What can you do with 3DSOM Pro models?
- Incorporate into 3D scenes - export your models in standard formats for
importing into your existing 3D scenes.
- Publish to the web - output true 3D content in a number of web formats
including our Flash 3D format and our own scriptable Java format to
make your web pages come alive.
- Create animations, flythroughs and movies - Use industry tools to render
3D models as movies for DVDs, web streaming, exhibitions and marketing
And finally here is little note for everyone to read:
Please, God, make them stop!
I'm a since long retired cracker and, I thought, left behind me a new
generation of youth, full of energy, with the ambition to keep the scene
with quality and ingenuity, the will to do things properly.
But I have to say... even though protections have becom a little more
advanced, I am quite dissapointed in most groups nowadays. The previous
release of this application for example (Creative.Dimension.3DSOM.v3.1.07-Lz0)
just shows the total lack of skill and will to properly test their crack.
I would have been ashamed to release something not thouroughly tested in
my time, and I can assure you my old school buddies feel the same. If
something didn't work, it would be propered asap. The gaming scene still
have some pride left! That's a small comfort even if the real challenges
have been taken from that part as well, as nowadays everyone has 100Mbit
connections and ripping is mostly history. But now I'm begging the
apps-scene to PLEASE, PLEASE... even if the application is tiny and only
worth 15 bucks... make it a quality release and not some non-working
bullshit. You will not be remembered in history because of how many
titles you released but of how well you did your job.
Signing out...(don't let me proper your shit again!)
